The Maui fires demolished the historic town of Lahaina

The fires in Lahaina, Maui have left many dead or missing after the winds of Hurricane Dora spread the fires early this August. At least 115 deaths have been reported and there are still over 100 people missing. The search for these missing people is challenging because many recovered bodies have been burned beyond recognition. Numerous homes, historical buildings and businesses, were destroyed or damaged during the fires. Lahiana was once the capital for all of the Hawaii islands, boasting a palace and many official buildings. Before the fire, a historic courthouse stood in downtown Lahaina next to the famous banyan tree. The courthouse is reduced to rubble, but the banyan tree still stands, charred, but alive.
The flames that broke out in Maui were uncontrollable and forced many people to dive into the water to avoid the fires. Emergency evacuation alerts never went off during the disaster, leaving many people helpless to the flames. The people who were able to evacuate then got stuck in traffic or road closures. Hundreds of people were left without homes or shelter and still many people left unidentified. The fires that broke out in Maui are said to be one the most demolishing natural disasters since 1918. The town of Lahaina is still closed to the public, as search efforts to look for human remains wrap up. The people of Lahaina are now picking up the pieces and figuring out how to move on from such a devastating natural disaster.