Tone Indicators are the future of text

Tone indicators, also known as tone tags, are used at the end of sentences and phrases to convey tone on texts, posts, and comments. According to, neurodiversity is a viewpoint that brain differences are normal, rather than deficits. People who fall under the neurodivergent spectrum view and interact with the world in a unique way. 

The tone of a person’s voice varies, and has a significant impact on the meaning and consequences of their speech. Thus, it is essential that this is conveyed accurately online. Tone indicators can be used by anyone but have become more frequently used over the years among neurodivergent people with Autism, OCD, ADHD, and dyslexia.

Sometimes, it can be difficult for neurodivergent people to perceive tone through writing. Many people, myself included, have difficulties understanding the meaning of a written message. The lack of indicators outside of words (ex. physical body language, voice intonation, facial emotions) might make it difficult for neurodivergent people to understand the meaning of a text or post. This is not to say that neurotypical people don’t misinterpret tone in texts or in real life, they do – but many neurodivergent people feel and interpret tone differently. 

For instance, if you are joking around with a friend, they might reply with a message saying “I hate you. /j” The “/j” implies that the message is a joke, and the recipient does not actually hate the sender. On the flip side, if you legitimately hate someone, you might write  “I hate you /srs.” This implies that you aren’t joking around. If you are being serious, never use the “/j” as a joke.

Our grammar and sentence structure have coevolved with the rise of non-face-to-face communication, and tone indicators can help increase clarity. Tone indicators are easy to use and avoid potential misunderstandings caused by missing social signals. Miscommunication and misconceptions caused by unclear tone in text and writing can essentially be prevented by using tone indicators. 

While not everyone who is on the neurodivergent spectrum needs or wants tone indicators, they are beneficial to many. 

There are no rules for using tone indicators online, and you aren’t a horrible person if you choose not to use them. However, I think that more people will be understanding towards your thoughts when someone asks you to clarify something if you use tone indicators.

I personally use them when needed because I find them to be very helpful with communication. If someone asks you to clarify what you said- give them a shot! You might just make a new friend.