The world of fine art is one that often comes as a mystery to those looking from the outside. “Blue Period,” an anime series that...
Disney’s latest animated film, “Encanto”, uses its medium to its advantage more than the average CGI release. It takes place in Colombia and focuses on...
In a year where music and the joys it can bring were needed more than ever, these music documentaries knocked it out of the park....
On Jan. 1, the original cast of the Harry Potter movies gathered together on the film set to recap and celebrate the 20th anniversary of...
With an extensive budget of 75 million dollars and its suspenseful build up, the world expected “House of Gucci,” directed by Ridley Scott, to be...
Peter Jackson’s “The Beatles: Get Back,” released between Nov. 25 and Nov. 27 and named after the beloved track from The Beatles’ 1970 record “Let...
Since 1990 six Home Alone films have been released, only two of which manage to earn above 30% on Rotten Tomatoes. The last three remakes...
On Nov. 12, the highly anticipated album, “An Evening with Silk Sonic’’ was released and enchanted fans of all styles of music. Bruno Mars and...
On Nov. 6, 2021, The first three episodes of “Arcane,” a show based on characters and stories from Riot Games’ “League of Legends”, premiered on...
On Dec. 10, Steven Spielberg released his version of the movie “West Side Story,” greatly improving upon both the enjoyment of the movie and the...