As the graduation ceremony comes to a close, students glance at one another with bittersweet tears streaming down their faces, knowing that their life is...
The cafeteria was decked out in summer decor on Friday May 5, with beach balls and towels adorning the tables and palm fronds everywhere. The...
At eight a.m. sharp on a Saturday, the Room Renovators enter a classroom ready to paint it a new, vibrant color to uplift the previously...
What defines cheating? Interviewer: What do you define as cheating? Student: I don’t know what cheating is, honestly. Interviewer: Would you say that you cheat? Student:...
Hunched over the buzzer, four hands hovered, ready to slam down. The anticipation, so palpable it could be cut with a knife, would be over...
Some of the most unsung heroes of Newbury Park High School are the ladies in the front office. Though many students are unaware of the...
The world lost a bright and powerful soul on Feb. 26, 2017 when Rhoda Brown, a dedicated Panther educator, lost her seven-month battle to a...
Long-term consequences of the short-lived high An overdose begins to kill long before a death takes place. The body is weak, shaky limbs reaching for...
All lights are dim in the studio except for one small yellow spotlight on a girl. She exchanges a few nervous laughs but becomes more...