As young and naive children who watched Disney Channel and read Harry Potter, we dreamed about high school. We dreamed about tall swanky lockers that...
Boys’ Baseball Panthers played in the Bishop Gorman Desert Classic this week in Las Vegas, NV and won 4-0 in their first game versus Desert...
Downtown LA traffic. No other words even need to be spoken for this phrase to immediately conjure an image of a long, solid mass of...
Launch into springtime and help assuage your fears for upcoming AP and IB tests with some new music. “I Wanna Be Sedated” by Ramones – If...
It’s common practice for parents to go through their child’s technology. I mean, my mom follows me on Instagram, but there’s nothing there that I...
Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS) Club hosted a dodgeball tournament at the Borchard Community Center on March 12 to raise money and support a cure for...
“I’ve been stabbed!” Craig Hastings yelled out, as he wobbled across the room in character. The murder mystery had just begun, and the audience was...
The simple “like” button has been used to pay acknowledgement to millions of Facebook posts on the internet. As the popularity of emojis increased, people...
Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes past 6 o’clock and people were still filing into Newbury Park’s Performing Arts Center. At twenty minutes past the...
In their first league meet against Camarillo on Mar. 3, the swim team broke two school records: girls’ 100 yard butterfly and boys’ 100 yard...