This season, the varsity football team motto “We Are One” has been pushed to the limits as key players are forced to the sidelines due...
“The Martian,” a movie based on the novel by Andy Weir, has taken the U.S., and the world, by storm, still captivating audiences more than...
When we think of art in Los Angeles, two images come to mind: glitzy Hollywood movies and vibrant murals in hip districts like downtown, Santa...
Starting with the end of the 1950s, the amount of young Americans going to college has skyrocketed; this has been facilitated by teachers pressuring students,...
It’s a familiar feeling in English class: that wary feeling of being assigned novels and plays. Students’ natural instinct tells them to rebel against this forced...
Every year, full International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma candidates lament the arrival of their looming Extended Essay (EE) deadline. With an upper limit of 4000 words,...
October has come and the weather has chilled. Leaves have begun their descent from the trees, and the scent of cinnamon is scattered in the...
As it is reflective of the larger world around it, Newbury Park is home to people with diverse religious perspectives. Faatimah Syed, junior, has been...
Yik Yak has become the most popular app used for all the wrong reasons. Useful for cyber bullying, one cannot scroll down more than four...
October is a time of celebration, not only due to the beautiful holiday of Halloween but for being able to survive a month of school....