Made by the creators of “Ted Lasso,” “Shrinking” has recently gained corpus amounts of popularity through their weekly releases of the show’s episodes, ending in...
On Sept. 20, 2021, Apple released their latest software update to the public after going through beta testing. While the update has many customizable features...
On Sep. 16, Apple released a new update, iOS 14. This new update allows its users to customize their home screens in a variety of...
Iphones have been consistent in design since they first started being sold by Apple in 2007: the same headphone jack, the same camera lense, the...
I usually spend months procrastinating upgrading my iphone to the newest version of iOS. Every day, I see a pop up nagging me to install...
On Sept. 9, Apple Inc. introduced the newest generation of iPhone: iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. The new iPhone 6S looks nearly identical to...