The epic stories of Middle Earth have come to an end with “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” a decently spectacular but slightly...
A competitive adult bagpipe band is the last thing you’d expect to find in a high school cafeteria in the middle of the night. But...
If you’re anything like me, the buildup to finals is matched in terribleness only by the crushing, empty feeling afterwards. You know, the limbo between...
Richard Kick, computer science and math teacher vs. Allison Nguyen, senior 1. Who created an average of one patent every 3 weeks of his...
Victory Gymnastics is living up to its name; it’s one of the highest ranked teams in California. Contributing to Victory’s success are Joe Dixon, sophomore,...
Planes, running, sharks, beatings, poop, coal, and more beatings. That’s what Angelina Jolie’s Unbroken is about: the struggles of track star, castaway, and prisoner of...
Between Nov. 29 and Dec. 21, more than one thousand Christmas trees made their way to the parking lot of the Newbury Park Library for...
The Newbury Park High School Choir Department performed on Dec. 17, 18, and 19, in a winter concert featuring the Chamber Singers, Women’s Ensemble, Men’s...
NPHS alumni joined protests at the University of California, Berkeley in response to the recent wave of police brutality starting with a string of fatal...