The King’s Man, a comedy spy-action film directed by Matthew Vaughn, follows a secret agency formed in an attempt to stop a world war that...
The world of fine art is one that often comes as a mystery to those looking from the outside. “Blue Period,” an anime series that...
Disney’s latest animated film, “Encanto”, uses its medium to its advantage more than the average CGI release. It takes place in Colombia and focuses on...
With the political climate in our nation becoming increasingly polarized by the day, many in the nation question whether their government actually is concerned for...
On Jan. 1, the original cast of the Harry Potter movies gathered together on the film set to recap and celebrate the 20th anniversary of...
Teacher: Mrs. Coull Student: Abby Morgenstern Coull wins 8-5 What type of fish is Nemo? A: a clownfish Morgenstern- clownfish Coull- clownfish They both...
For Harrison Cancilla, freshman, BTS is not just a band but a goal, and when he found out that the K-pop boy band would be...
Holiday carols fill the chilly air on a peaceful Friday night in Dos Vientos. Volunteers from the NPHS Interact Club move from home to home,...
Brittany Hong, College and Career Guidance Specialist, has recently been assisting with strength and conditioning training for the girls’ tennis team as well as the...
Band On Dec. 2, the NPHS gym held the anticipated return of the band department’s lively winter concert. The production featured the school’s wind ensemble...