After 10 years and 22 movies, Iron Man dies. Marvel Studios finally released the final installment of the Avengers saga, Avengers: Endgame. From just its...
“Infinity War” shot into theaters on April 27, making over 250 million dollars in its first weekend, according to Box Office Mojo. The movie immediately...
Black Panther is the newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), a universe that seems to be growing by the day. It follows the...
In the age of comic book movies, Marvel Comics seems to be leading the game. Since 2008, starting with “Iron Man,” they have released a...
While 2016 may not have been one of the greatest years, it was indeed a great year of movies. This upcoming year holds even more...
Movies theaters across the country were thrown into chaos as fans chose sides for the long awaited Captain America: Civil War, released on May 6....