While the name “Dog” lacks creativity, the film itself exceeded the low expectations that the name presented itself with. In the film, Channing Tatum plays...
“Jujustu Kaisen 0”, the newest addition to the Jujustu Kaisen series, is being considered to be the most popular anime movie of the last two...
From the first few moments of Pixar’s brand new movie, “Turning Red,” it’s very clear what tone the audience is to expect. While good, the...
“The Batman,” released March 4, 2022, paints the perfect view of what Batman is meant to be. Through the directing, acting and even lighting the...
Netflix has gone all out with many releases of reality TV shows over recent years, which mostly feature young, attractive people living in large mansions...
Set in 1970s California, “Licorice Pizza,” directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, is a bizarre, fever dream coming-of-age comedy-drama following an endless summer in the San...
Clint Barton, played by Jeremy Renner and also known as the Avenger Hawkeye, recently starred in his own self-titled TV show. The show mainly focuses...
The King’s Man, a comedy spy-action film directed by Matthew Vaughn, follows a secret agency formed in an attempt to stop a world war that...
With an extensive budget of 75 million dollars and its suspenseful build up, the world expected “House of Gucci,” directed by Ridley Scott, to be...
Since 1990 six Home Alone films have been released, only two of which manage to earn above 30% on Rotten Tomatoes. The last three remakes...