On Dec. 10, Steven Spielberg released his version of the movie “West Side Story,” greatly improving upon both the enjoyment of the movie and the...
Fresh off the release of “Squid Game,” a new Korean show “Hellbound” came out on Nov. 19. This new show is bringing old Korean...
With a new set of superheroes and a storyline inspired by Greek mythology, the movie “Eternals” arrived in theaters on Nov. 5 and boasts new...
Car chases, fight scenes and spies; all things that come with a great James Bond film. “No Time To Die”, starring Daniel Craig as James...
Candyman is a thrilling remake of the original film, released in 1992. This spine-chilling horror movie has had many people wondering what it is about...
“Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”, starring Simu Liu and Awkwafina, is the most recent release from the Marvel movie franchise. Although there...
Just in time for International Women’s Day, Netflix released comedy/drama film “Moxie,” encouraging teen women to stand up against misogyny and sexism in schools and...
Marvel was put into a releasing slump due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, this year, Marvel is back and is adhering to a tight schedule of...
With inspiration from the trope created in the 1993 film “Groundhog Day,” the newly released Amazon Prime movie “The Map of Tiny Perfect Things” takes...
The Golden Globes nominations this year were a spit on the diverse scope of talented people in the industry and the progress entertainment has begun...