“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should,” is the central thesis of 1993’s...
Mayfair Witches is a wickedly engaging, yet partially flawed AMC television show based on Anne Rice’s hit book series of the same name. The television...
Jenny Han’s “The Summer I Turned Pretty” released its first season in 2022 and quickly became a phenomenon. It has created a strong fan base...
“Justified” was a crime drama that ran on FX between 2010 and 2015. It centered around the adventures of U.S. Marshall Raylan Givens, as he...
From the outside, Mai Thai Kitchen, located on Michael Road doesn’t look like much but customers will quickly learn not to judge a book by...
The most recent entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” was made with huge ambition and held very high hopes....
“Cocaine Bear,” released on Feb. 24, tells the story of drugrunners dropping cocaine into a Georgia forest when, unfortunately, a bear beats them to picking...
“Poker Face,” a new show on Peacock, is a wildly inventive and refreshing take on the standard murder mystery formula. The show is directed and...
After a five year hiatus, Paramore released their 10th studio album “This is Why” on Feb. 10. The three members of Paramore have been making...
After 6 years of waiting, SZA, Solána Imani Rowe, finally released her third debut album “SOS” leaving fans such as myself are absolutely gobsmacked. With...