The new Star Wars movie released on December 18 has since broken box office records and claimed the title of the number one film of...
Prequels The fourth installment in the Star Wars series took the audience back to the beginning and began a new prequel trilogy. “Star Wars Episode...
There’s no point in denying it; as soon as I tore through the Twilight series in junior high, I was the ultimate Twihard. For those...
“The Martian,” a movie based on the novel by Andy Weir, has taken the U.S., and the world, by storm, still captivating audiences more than...
When we think of art in Los Angeles, two images come to mind: glitzy Hollywood movies and vibrant murals in hip districts like downtown, Santa...
It’s a familiar feeling in English class: that wary feeling of being assigned novels and plays. Students’ natural instinct tells them to rebel against this forced...
Released on Oct. 16 and directed by the renowned Guillermo del Toro, the R rated film “Crimson Peak” is far better than its trailers. Horror...
Netflix has captured the hearts of millions, with more than 44 million subscribers worldwide. The amount of movies and T.V. series available is abundant. It...
A freak accident involving strange chemicals? Check. A young child growing up without parents due to mysterious deaths and disappearances? Check. A brutal city boiling...
In the film “Taken 3”, directed by Olivier Megaton, ex-covert operative Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson), once again uses his “particular set of skills”, to go...