From the jumping spider to the rainbow trout fry, EARThS Magnet Elementary School’s life science lab is crawling with creatures with which students have the...
On March 11, the NPHS Science Olympiad club won first place at the regional tournament at UCSB, so they will be competing in the Southern...
On Saturday Feb. 26, the Science Olympiad competition took place at NPHS. It is a student competition between many schools all over the country. There...
Currently science teachers are facing issues of teaching in a classroom not properly equipped for their labs and are being forced to rotate rooms per...
The Mars 2020 Perseverance rover landed on the Red Planet on Feb. 18. According to a statement from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),...
Mr. Erickson, science teacher at NP, keeps a positive perspective on distance learning. Read this Tea Time to find out about his ideal vacation and...
The NPHS Science Olympiad flocked to Antelope Valley College on Jan. 26 to compete in the 33rd Annual Science Olympiad. For hours, the team tested...
Over the course of the next couple of weeks, students in Mrs. Dogancay’s IB Chemistry higher level class will be conducting their annual internal assessment...
Hunched over the electrical modules, Robert Liu, eighth grader at Colina Middle School, works with his partner to create a light from scratch. After the...
Letter to the Editor: After reading the Staff Editorial in the Panther Prowler dated June 2, 2017 “Learning by doing: NPHS Students deserve more support...