“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” has earned its place among the rest of the beloved series. Unique in the franchise as being the first...
Block schedule is often acclaimed on campus. Its advantages are shown on the school website, from the staff, and from the students themselves. Many sees...
“I’ve been stabbed!” Craig Hastings yelled out, as he wobbled across the room in character. The murder mystery had just begun, and the audience was...
The simple “like” button has been used to pay acknowledgement to millions of Facebook posts on the internet. As the popularity of emojis increased, people...
Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes past 6 o’clock and people were still filing into Newbury Park’s Performing Arts Center. At twenty minutes past the...
In their first league meet against Camarillo on Mar. 3, the swim team broke two school records: girls’ 100 yard butterfly and boys’ 100 yard...
Recently, my friend invited me to see Gods of Egypt, a historical fiction movie about Egyptian gods which stars Gerard Butler. However I immediately declined,...
The Ventura County Courthouse was stuffed full of high school kids, rushing and yelling in every direction, flying around in high heels or a suit...
To go along with those rustic No Shave November vibes, here is an indie playlist for all of you suburban hipsters. “Edelweiss” by the Sound...
Today, technology companies such as Google and Facebook monitor every single action made on their services. Your emails, your photos, your Google searches, and the...