Valentine’s Day means more than romance

Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year. Many people argue that it is the worst holiday because it is centered around romance, but in the past I have had just as much fun without a date on Valentine’s day as when I’ve had one.

The first Valentine’s Day that I can remember was when I was in first grade. Obviously, I didn’t have a boyfriend to celebrate with, and could barely grasp the meaning of the holiday. To teach me about the intent of valentines day, my mom helped me make wind chimes for all of my friends as gifts. We stayed up late together stringing beads and hanging them from sticks we found in my backyard. For a six year old, it was hard labor, but giving my presents out the next day to the people I cared about made it worth it. Spending time with my mother and making gifts that year taught me at a young age that Valentine’s Day is not just about romance. Rather, it is about expressing love to the people you care about.

My next memorable Valentine’s day was a night that I spent with my parents. I assumed that they would want to go out to a romantic restaurant alone for dinner, but they brought me with them. We all had a fun time toasting to the holiday and trying out new food and a big dessert after dinner.

I spent the next Valentine’s Day with my best friend. We decided to have a “chill” day and walk around the mall. Instead of making presents for each other or celebrating with a big event or dinner, we had the most fun that year just spending time with one another. “Galentine’s Day” can be just as much fun as spending the holiday with a significant other, and that day was one of my favorites.
Since then, I have celebrated Valentine’s Day both with and without a significant other. Whether I was with a boyfriend, friends or family, each celebration was an important and memorable day of each year, and I still carry those memories now. Despite societal expectations, Valentine’s Day can and should be a day of the year to spend time with loved ones, romantic or platonic. Each year I have learned to appreciate the people in my life that make me happy.

There is no sole purpose of Valentine’s Day, or “right” way to celebrate it. Just like any other holiday, this one is just another day of the year. Each person can choose how they celebrate it, if even at all.

This year, I plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day over the span of three days with the people I love: with my best friend, my family, and my boyfriend. Just as it has in the past, each day will be important not just because of the holiday, but because I have chosen these days to make memories with the people I care about.