“If Anything Happens I Love You” is a moving and heart-sinking short film that Netflix released in November. The film tells the story of two...
Released on Netflix earlier this year, “A Secret Love” tells the story of Terry Donahue and Pat Henschel, an elderly lesbian couple that had been...
This past October, Disney+ released their take on the life of Zach Sobiech, singer and writer of the song “Clouds.” The movie pays respect to...
Ever since I was little, I have been pretty athletic. In elementary school, I practiced ballet, hip hop and tennis; now, I am a proud...
In the theme of how haunting 2020 has already been, NPHS students and families have made the most of this creepy holiday. ASG hosted a...
As Pamela Dugdale once said, “siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring...
The right to a safe and destigmatized abortion is essential. It is not a matter of religious or political values, but rather a personal choice....
Surgical Masks Gear up! These masks are very effective in keeping the coronavirus under control, and they go with everything! Perfect for that professional look....
At the age of 13, Bethany Hamilton was free-surfing at Tunnels Beach, Kauai, with her close friend Alana Blanchard, when she was attacked by a...
Imagine a world with no movement. A world where time is stopped and there is no physical social interaction. The lack of motion and socializing...