Tokyo Ghoul – Kaneki lives in a world where ghouls can hide as humans. The art in the manga is extremely well made and the...
Legendary guitarist and co-founder of Van Halen, Eddie Van Halen, passed away on Oct. 6 after a hard-fought battle with cancer. The musician was one...
“Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” encapsulates the spirit of the golden age of Hollywood in the 1930s. In this film, a corrupt judge is persuaded...
Many restaurants have had to reinvent almost every aspect of their dining experience as a result of COVID-19. Seeing that indoor dining is limited at...
After hearing people rave about the “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix and seeing way too many ads for it, I was ready to watch a...
Most people know the famous duo of Detective Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson. Since first appearing in a 1887 print “A Study in Scarlet”...
September kicked off with Declan McKenna’s sophomore effort “Zeros.” The record is a steep step up from McKenna’s first album, pulling everywhere from Franz Ferdinand...
At the age of 13, Bethany Hamilton was free-surfing at Tunnels Beach, Kauai, with her close friend Alana Blanchard, when she was attacked by a...
Boba is a growing sensation that consists of chewy tapioca pearls in different flavored drinks. There are not many good boba lounges in Ventura County,...
“Every founding father’s story gets told, every other founding father gets to grow old.” This quote is from the popular musical “Hamilton,” a story about...