The man, myth and legend Steven Spielberg has made quite possibly his most personal film to date. As a follow up in his filmography to...
Director Ryan Coogler was dealt the worst cards possible when making this movie: the death of his lead actor and a pandemic. Even through all...
“TÁR” is the new Todd Field film about fictional composer Lydia Tár, and her downward spiral into obscurity. Released in early October, the film premiered...
“The School for Good and Evil,” based on the first book of Soman Chainani’s six-book series, tells the tale of two misfit friends who get...
29 years after the original, Hocus Pocus 2 was released on Disney Plus on Sept. 30. The sequel follows the original story of Hocus Pocus,...
With Halloween right around the corner, “Smile” has viewers second guessing what is real and what is in their head. This sinister horror film encompasses...
Originally a comic on Webtoon, “Heartstopper” by Alice Oseman has grown into a 4 book franchise as well as a number one show on Netflix...
On Friday, Sept. 2, 2022, the famed metal band Megadeth released “The Sick, the Dying…and the Dead!” At the time of release, it had been...
Published Sept. 30 of this year, Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ beloved series “The Inheritance Games”, came to an end with the final installment of the third...
Phoebe Bridgers, indie artist, continues her journey as a songwriter following her release of the album “Punisher’’ in 2020, as she began her Reunion Tour...