On Feb. 3, Netflix released the six episode comedy improv series, “Murderville,” which follows the structure of a murder mystery, but is clearly played as...
The COVID-19 virus has been referred to as a pandemic since March of 2020, experts have discussed whether or not to refer to the virus...
According to the CDC, as of March 2, the current 7-day moving average of new deaths has decreased 18.8 percent, dropping the numbers to 1,674,...
With spring season starting up, the NPHS boys’ volleyball team is eager to begin playing and winning games and putting their hard work and determination...
News is buzzing about Adele, one of the most popular and famous singers ever to exist, postponing her Las Vegas residency. I have loved Adele...
As this year’s mock trial season has come to an end, members of the NPHS Gold team are proud to announce their victory in placing...
On Feb. 12, White supremacists rallied over the Borchard Road overpass, hanging signs covered in hate speech. In response, Claudia Bill-de la Peña, a Thousand...
The clock ticks down, second by second as the circumstance only gets more dire until help arrives. Nonetheless, every step taken is critical for the...
The Fallout, a high-school drama film released on HBO max on Jan. 27, 2022, stars Jenna Ortega as Vada Cavell, and follows her emotional journey...
The spring season for NPHS girls’ softball swung into play at a home game against Oak Park High School on Feb. 16. Bryan Matney, the...