After three years of taking fans through Lara Jean Song Covey’s high school romance, Netflix wrapped up the series on Feb. 12 by releasing the...
Inspired by the classic French tales of the gentleman thief Arséne Lupin, the first half of season one of the Netflix original series “Lupin” has...
Micky James’ “Live At The Met,” released on Feb. 26, is an exhilarating, electric collection of live songs performed at Philadelphia’s The Met. Demanding and...
Click on the following link to access the virtual paper for Issue 6 on Issuu:
Beloved NPHS senior Jack “The Beast Bennett” Frye was a character. Always found belly-laughing and ready with some comeback banter, Jack was the most headstrong...
Unity Conejo held their second town hall meeting titled “Gender 101” on Jan. 31 as a webinar on Zoom to inform the CVUSD community on...
Standing in the shade of two bright blue Easy-Up tents, a group of high school volunteers hand out free boxes of fresh produce and healthy...
Talent is everywhere, whether it is on display for everyone to see or concealed behind the public eye. It is something that should be cherished...
While many high school students look forward to attending college, paying thousands of dollars in tuition every year can present a challenge. The NPHS Scholarship...
Because this school year is almost entirely online, not many students expected a yearbook at the end of this semester. However, despite the difficulties of...