As eight year old me sat in the plush, red, velvet seat with a box of Buncha Crunch in one hand and a Diet Coke...
“The Martian,” a movie based on the novel by Andy Weir, has taken the U.S., and the world, by storm, still captivating audiences more than...
Released on Oct. 16 and directed by the renowned Guillermo del Toro, the R rated film “Crimson Peak” is far better than its trailers. Horror...
With films like Jurassic World and Straight Outta Compton hitting the big screen, the domestic box office has had a profitable summer. According to the...
Planes, running, sharks, beatings, poop, coal, and more beatings. That’s what Angelina Jolie’s Unbroken is about: the struggles of track star, castaway, and prisoner of...