Fresh off the release of “Squid Game,” a new Korean show “Hellbound” came out on Nov. 19. This new show is bringing old Korean...
“Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”, starring Simu Liu and Awkwafina, is the most recent release from the Marvel movie franchise. Although there...
The movie “He’s All That”, starring TikTok celebrity Addison Rae, is a story about betrayal, revenge and the realities of social media. Although it has...
On Nov. 17, 2017, the Whedon cut of “Justice League” was received with high anticipation by many fans of the DC characters and the iconic...
Inspired by the classic French tales of the gentleman thief Arséne Lupin, the first half of season one of the Netflix original series “Lupin” has...
Olivia Rodrigo, star of Disney+’s “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series,” released the new smash hit single “drivers license” on Jan. 8, which has...
Cinematically progressing through the decades, the first five episodes of Marvel’s new show, “WandaVision,” were released on Disney+ on Jan. 15. Directed by Matt Shakman,...
As two avid tea drinkers ourselves, we are well aware the world of tea and its wide range of flavors can be a bit overwhelming–or...
Sophie Xeon, more commonly known as SOPHIE, passed in an accident on Jan. 30 trying to look at the full moon in Greece. A radical...
The animated film “Soul” is the most thought-provoking Pixar film to date. What it lacks in raw entertainment value, it makes up for with its...