Season three of the Disney+ hit show, “The Mandalorian’’ was released on March 1, continuing the Star Wars spin off that got us all through...
“The Book of Boba Fett”, a spin off of the popular Star Wars show “The Mandalorian” had its final episode released on Feb. 9. The...
One of the few promises not broken in 2020 is the release of the highly anticipated second season of the Star Wars TV series, “The...
JJ Abrams returns to direct his second Star Wars movie, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” Fans have been anticipating this movie since the release of...
“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” has earned its place among the rest of the beloved series. Unique in the franchise as being the first...
The new Star Wars movie released on December 18 has since broken box office records and claimed the title of the number one film of...
Prequels The fourth installment in the Star Wars series took the audience back to the beginning and began a new prequel trilogy. “Star Wars Episode...