At the end of the last school year, Dr. Jeffrey Baarstad retired from his position as superintendent of the Conejo Valley Unified School District. This...
Daniel Morales, a senior on the NPHS Varsity football team, died on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 from a stab wound sustained during a fight...
In a continuous effort to update courses, both Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) are modifying classes this year. Along with the launches of...
The University of California, Berkeley’s new freshman application policy, announced in April, will start going into effect this fall and allows invited students to optionally...
For students who neglected to pre-order one, yearbooks were a hot commodity this year. Even though order numbers were similar to last year, pre-orders left...
At its meeting on June 2, the Conejo Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) Board of Education recognized 24 students as the valedictorians of the NPHS...
Severns, a school counselor, is retiring after 25 years of being on staff. Severns worked as a math teacher at Thousand Oaks High School before...
New superintendent welcomed to CVUSD On May 19, the Conejo Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) welcomed Dr. Ann Bonitatibus, Ph.D. to her new position as...
“Tomorrow is never guaranteed.” Most people don’t recognize this truth until the day that they are forced to. Ryan Wilson encountered that day one month...
On April 27, junior Jessica Han missed a call from Congresswoman Julia Brownley. So, instead of finding out that she had won the District-wide U.S....