Inclusive Schools Week celebrates diversity

Inclusive Schools Week is an annual event held during the first week of December each year to encourage the celebration of diversity. Factors of the diverse student population celebrated during this week include all genders, disabilities, varied language preferences, different cultures, and so much more.

Schools nationwide unify their diversities by celebrating this week of inclusivity. In honor of Inclusive Schools Week, the schools who participate in the celebration have their student government host a variety of activities for the students to participate in. Some of these events schools provide to students are decorating classrooms, poster signings, playing games that portray concepts of teaching diversity, club promoting, and so much more.

Unlike the more popular activities listed above, NPHS’ Associated Student Government (ASG), made their own traditions. Jenna Naumann, senior, is an ASG member who contributed to the planning of Inclusive Schools Week activities. “We essentially created a platform where clubs could reach a broader audience on our campus so we spot-lighted them on our Instagram and allowed them to have a table out at lunch where they promoted their club and inclusivity,” Naumann said.

The biggest activity hosted for Inclusive Schools Week was the poster signing on Friday during lunch. “We had a giant poster out at lunch where everyone was able to sign their name for big happy inclusivity,” Naumann said.