Candyman is a thrilling remake of the original film, released in 1992. This spine-chilling horror movie has had many people wondering what it is about...
“Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”, starring Simu Liu and Awkwafina, is the most recent release from the Marvel movie franchise. Although there...
Just in time for International Women’s Day, Netflix released comedy/drama film “Moxie,” encouraging teen women to stand up against misogyny and sexism in schools and...
Marvel was put into a releasing slump due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, this year, Marvel is back and is adhering to a tight schedule of...
With inspiration from the trope created in the 1993 film “Groundhog Day,” the newly released Amazon Prime movie “The Map of Tiny Perfect Things” takes...
The Golden Globes nominations this year were a spit on the diverse scope of talented people in the industry and the progress entertainment has begun...
After three years of taking fans through Lara Jean Song Covey’s high school romance, Netflix wrapped up the series on Feb. 12 by releasing the...
The United States military has a history of utilizing media to help push warmongering sentiments. Yet as the country continues in the age of social...
The animated film “Soul” is the most thought-provoking Pixar film to date. What it lacks in raw entertainment value, it makes up for with its...
In Autumn de Wilde’s adaptation of Jane Austen’s “Emma.,” Anya Taylor-Joy stars as Emma Woodhouse, a clever and flawed young woman in Georgian-era England who...