“Hellbound,” shocks the audience with its thrilling plot


Fresh off the release of “Squid Game,” a new Korean show “Hellbound” came out on Nov. 19. This new show is bringing old Korean tales to life in a thrilling and action packed horror. 

Much like Squid Game, “Hellbound,” is a Netflix original series that takes place in South Korea. In this show, people are given the exact time of their death and are bound to Heaven or Hell. Though many people don’t believe in it or they try to avoid it, the characters learn there is no escaping your destiny. When the time you are meant to die comes, a shadow type monster will take your soul and leave you there for dead. 

Bringing “Hellbound,” to Netflix is huge to the diversity of American television. Including more culture to such a big franchise could open doors for more opportunities in the future. Not only will it widen the audience that Netflix currently has, but it sets an example for other platforms to increase the diversity within their shows and movies. Considering how large of an audience Netflix has, this step is incredibly important for all streaming platforms to take in order to move forward in this industry. Netflix is making an effort to provide different ethnicities with a bigger platform which is setting a standard for other film industries. 

Overall, “Hellbound,” is Netflix’s newest step into bringing diversity into American television. It was well put together and had a great balance of both horror and action. Although the plot might be hard to follow at times, it is a great series if “Squid Game” piques your interest.