On Jan. 7, Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, more famously known as “The Weeknd,” just dropped his fifth studio album, titled “Dawn FM.” The new album has...
In a year where music and the joys it can bring were needed more than ever, these music documentaries knocked it out of the park....
Peter Jackson’s “The Beatles: Get Back,” released between Nov. 25 and Nov. 27 and named after the beloved track from The Beatles’ 1970 record “Let...
On Nov. 12, the highly anticipated album, “An Evening with Silk Sonic’’ was released and enchanted fans of all styles of music. Bruno Mars and...
On Oct. 5 2021, Japanese-American singer-songwriter Mitski Miyawaki broke her three year hiatus with the release of her new song “Working For the Knife.” Her...
The Rolling Stones have unveiled their celebration of the 40th anniversary of Tattoo You, the explosive 1981 album that defined the band’s 1980’s musical presence....
Måneskin, a rock band from Rome, Italy, made their U.S. debut on the “Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” on Thurs. Oct. 28th, performing their hit...
Kanye West, one of the most influential, popular and controversial music artists of the past century recently released his tenth studio album. The album was...
After releasing their previous album Manic, starting the makeup line About Face and having a baby, Ashley Frangipane, commonly known by their stage name Halsey,...
Just about everyone enjoys listening to music, but few are capable of making it. For senior Kate Arnold, music has made up her life since...