On the surface, reading or watching “The Crucible” is a form of entertainment based on a hysteric period, yet diving into the context and moral...
The NPHS Theater department provides an environment of laughter, song and dance for their annual Broadway Cares Cabaret event in the NPHS Performing Arts Center....
SCOTUS leak signals end to Roe v. Wade On May 2, a draft Supreme Court opinion in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked...
On Oct.15, the NPHS Theatre hosted a charity event called Broadway Cares, working with the organization Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS to raise money. Broadway Cares/Equity...
Whether it be through participating in classes at school or as a hobby on the side, Newbury Park High School students find ways to demonstrate...
The drama department recently put on one of their most beloved performances, Mystery Dinner Theater, in the cafeteria. An audience-interactive murder mystery performance, it is...
On the evening of March 28, the applause of the audience filled the PAC as the students of IB Theatre performed in the first ever...