The new Netflix show “Squid Game” was released, and viewers are already beginning to anticipate a new season. Even though the show is not originally...
With the arrival of season two, “Ted Lasso” remains one of the top shows in modern television. The comedy series had an extremely successful first...
“Dear Evan Hansen’’ carries a message that high schoolers as well as adults can relate to, even if it is awkward at times. The story...
Candyman is a thrilling remake of the original film, released in 1992. This spine-chilling horror movie has had many people wondering what it is about...
“Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”, starring Simu Liu and Awkwafina, is the most recent release from the Marvel movie franchise. Although there...
The movie “He’s All That”, starring TikTok celebrity Addison Rae, is a story about betrayal, revenge and the realities of social media. Although it has...
Kanye West, one of the most influential, popular and controversial music artists of the past century recently released his tenth studio album. The album was...
After releasing their previous album Manic, starting the makeup line About Face and having a baby, Ashley Frangipane, commonly known by their stage name Halsey,...
“Bob Ross; Happy Accidents, Betrayal, and Greed” is both a scathing exposé of Bob Ross Inc. and a beautiful recollection of an artist’s life and...
After releasing their previous album Manic, starting the makeup line About Face and having a baby, Ashley Frangipane, commonly known by their stage name Halsey,...