In Autumn de Wilde’s adaptation of Jane Austen’s “Emma.,” Anya Taylor-Joy stars as Emma Woodhouse, a clever and flawed young woman in Georgian-era England who...
This past October, Disney+ released their take on the life of Zach Sobiech, singer and writer of the song “Clouds.” The movie pays respect to...
The Christmas film released in 1947 is still a festive classic worth revisiting this year. From the legendary performances by nearly every actor in the...
Foo Fighters kicked off November with the release of “Shame Shame,” the first single off their tenth studio album “Medicine At Midnight.” The track debuted...
One of the few promises not broken in 2020 is the release of the highly anticipated second season of the Star Wars TV series, “The...
“Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac has been soaring in popularity among younger audiences thanks to a recent video by Nathan Apodaca, in which he listened to...
When the pandemic began, the film industry underwent a tremendous loss. Most theatres have closed, and most production crews are too large for shooting to...
Thanksgiving is a day meant to be spent together sharing food with loved ones. However, with social distancing orders in place, family gatherings seem almost...
As a kid, I was never allowed to watch horror movies. Up until the age of 13, the only movie that might qualify as “horror”...
Shhhhh! One imposter is among us. As a crewmate, your job is to complete tasks and avoid becoming a casualty. The imposter, disguised as a...