The boys’ basketball team has been strategizing since their practices began during summer break, all for the momentous occasion of the start of their season...
All over California, thousands of students are on strike against University of California (UC)–the world’s leading public research university system. The protesters, postdoctoral scholars, academic...
The NPHS girls’ basketball season started on Nov. 14 after six months of off-season where they developed their physical abilities, strategies and connected as a...
The NPHS girls’ cross country team is ready to compete another year and go to state finals to win CIFs. The team has been ranked...
Winning the prestigious California Interscholastic Federation is a title high school sports teams dream of winning, but even qualifying for playoffs is a difficult...
The Sparkles club has been a crowd favorite for all the years it has been active at NPHS. With the cheers, dances and smiles, it...
In past years, band students at NPHS learned a marching band routine that they performed during halftime shows at football games and competed in competitions....
The award winning Newbury Park High School Dance Team pranced into the new school year and they are excited for what this season has in...
Amongst the trails and terrain, the Newbury Park mountain bike team rides along admiring the nature throughout the local area. The team consists of 125...
The anticipation rises as the final ball is served and the crowd eagerly awaits to display their cheer of victory for the final point. Peeking...