On Feb. 12, White supremacists rallied over the Borchard Road overpass, hanging signs covered in hate speech. In response, Claudia Bill-de la Peña, a Thousand...
CVUSD has been in a teacher and substitute teacher shortage as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, the CVUSD school board has modified...
Currently science teachers are facing issues of teaching in a classroom not properly equipped for their labs and are being forced to rotate rooms per...
When it was announced that Carden Conejo School, a non-denominational private school in Westlake Village, could face termination of their current lease with CVUSD, parents...
As people experience online school, social injustices and loneliness through the pandemic, mental health has been severely impacted. Although we have come a long way...
The Equity Task Force (ETF), one of CVUSD’s newest initiatives, is working towards ensuring equity, diversity and progress within the school district. Made up of...
Hall of Famer teaches class Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Little Steven visited Richard Bradley’s Comparative Religions course on May 27 as a part...
Five days short of the one year anniversary of CVUSD’s last in-person day at school during the 2019-2020 school year, those who returned would finally...
The school board is in the process of picking a new health curriculum, but before they make their final decision, the Student District Advisory Committee...
CVUSD’s high schools hosted the virtual event “Focus on Your Future” on March 18 to help students explore and navigate their paths going forth from...