Amongst the countless cancellations and modifications for the 2020-21 school year, the plans for CIF sports were eagerly awaited by many. On July 20, the...
“I can’t breathe!” These have been defining words for the past few months as Americans are faced with the harsh reality that racism is still...
“No Justice No Peace” by Rachel Goldstein, junior. The pieces I created reflect the mislabelling and association of the peaceful protests occurring in...
“Tears for America” by an anonymous student. When writing this poem, I tried to depict the struggles of the country through its history and present,...
“Reliance” by Apala Bhunia, junior. This piece is about reliance. Leaning and relying on someone can lead to betrayals and hurt, but...
“Venice of the East” and “Venice of the West” by Roshnee Moorthy, senior. ...
Imagine a world with no movement. A world where time is stopped and there is no physical social interaction. The lack of motion and socializing...
Seniors and parents protest for in-person graduation On May 22, parents and seniors from across the district called for an in-person graduation ceremony during a...
The implementation of distance learning has shaken up education systems across the globe, as teachers are forced to adapt their classrooms to be completely online,...
While the common American citizen does their part by staying home, countless medical staff fight on the front lines to take down COVID-19. In hospitals...