All posts tagged "teacher"

  • My mom is my high school English teacher

    One person in particular comes to mind above all others when I think back on my educational journey: my mother. She is not just any...

  • Student v. Teacher

    Alana Bond vs. Maxwell Hellard 1. Francophobia is the strong dislike of what? Bond: The French Hellard: Frank Ocean A: The French 1-0 Hellard sacre-blew...

  • Student Vs Teacher

    Maddie Neier and Mr. Svoboda (D-5) c Maddie – 1 Mr. Svoboda – 7    What is the most popular Halloween costume according to Google?...

  • Ms. Dogancay wins teacher of the year

    On May 19, Debbie Dogancay, NPHS’ very own IB coordinator and science teacher, was named the Ventura County Teacher of the Year. Dogancay has been...

  • Student VS. Teacher

    1. Who hosted the first Soccer World Cup? Castillo: England Kick: Brazil A: Uruguay 0-0 These answers deserve to be on the bench. 2. How...

  • Student VS. Teacher

    1. What animal did St. Patrick drive out of Ireland according to Irish folklore? McCormick: Sheep Pensivy: Pigs A: Snakes 0-0 Ssseems like they need...

  • Student VS. Teacher

    1. Q: What is the seventh zodiac sign? Crumrine: Libra Halpert: Taurus A: Libra 0-1 It was written in the stars!   2. Q: What...

  • Student vs. Teacher

    1. What English word is a combination of the first two letters of the Greek alphabet? Answer: Alphabet Weingarden: “Alphabet.” Ashamalla: “Alphabet.” 1-1 It’s not...

  • Student vs. Teacher

      1.“www” is an abbreviation for what three-term word? Answer: World Wide Web  Ellis: World Wide Web Grohs: World Wide Web 1-1   2....

  • Student VS Teacher

    1.What suspect in the game of “Clue” has the same name as a bird? Britt: Mrs. White Calaba: Mrs. Peacock A: Mrs. Peacock 0-1 It...