Amongst the clubs found within Newbury Park High School, three that shine under the spotlight through their actions in helping the community are Periods with...
Above a large “Join Us” button, the homepage of 805 Resistance (, a local Black-led and women-led grassroots advocacy organization, reads, “There is no growth...
Students with a passion for leadership, collaboration, and being active in their community may find themselves joining NPHS’ Interact Club. The organization functions under the...
Goal- Pictured is one of the Newbury Park team members kicking the ball towards the goal. The players shoot goals and form bonds, according to...
It is a common critique in both online and real life spaces that California is a snobby, elitist, and expensive place that is full of...
The concept of “Newbury Park” began as a rural settlement of the 1800s—a stop, on the stagecoach route from Los Angeles to San Francisco....
On Saturday, Oct. 4, a march to protect female reproductive rights was held at Ventura County Hall. The protesters held various signs that read “Reproductive...
Click the link below to access our #HumansofNP spread for our 2021 Special Edition Magazine, in which we interviewed people on positives that they have...
Standing in the shade of two bright blue Easy-Up tents, a group of high school volunteers hand out free boxes of fresh produce and healthy...
Beth Neal, vice president of the Acacia PTA Board, hosted a food drive on Jan. 17 at Acacia Elementary School in order to help those...