Featuring the voices of Matthew Goode and Helena Bonham Carter, Netflix recently released an eerie stop motion animation feature titled “The House.” The one-and-a-half-hour anthology...
Netflix has gone all out with many releases of reality TV shows over recent years, which mostly feature young, attractive people living in large mansions...
On Nov. 6, 2021, The first three episodes of “Arcane,” a show based on characters and stories from Riot Games’ “League of Legends”, premiered on...
The movie “He’s All That”, starring TikTok celebrity Addison Rae, is a story about betrayal, revenge and the realities of social media. Although it has...
Just in time for International Women’s Day, Netflix released comedy/drama film “Moxie,” encouraging teen women to stand up against misogyny and sexism in schools and...
Lately, Netflix has been blowing up with their original docuseries, such as “Jeffery Epstein: Filthy Rich,” “Don’t F**k With Cats” and most recent, “Crime Scene:...
“If Anything Happens I Love You” is a moving and heart-sinking short film that Netflix released in November. The film tells the story of two...
The new Netflix series, “Selena: The Series” allows watchers a peek into the intimate details of the life of late Tejano music star, Selena Quintanilla....
Released on Netflix earlier this year, “A Secret Love” tells the story of Terry Donahue and Pat Henschel, an elderly lesbian couple that had been...
After hearing people rave about the “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix and seeing way too many ads for it, I was ready to watch a...