As Ventura County moves back into lockdown, so does any hope of fulfilling that truly American compulsion to indoor dine. The pulls of unending capitalistic...
In Autumn de Wilde’s adaptation of Jane Austen’s “Emma.,” Anya Taylor-Joy stars as Emma Woodhouse, a clever and flawed young woman in Georgian-era England who...
This past October, Disney+ released their take on the life of Zach Sobiech, singer and writer of the song “Clouds.” The movie pays respect to...
The Christmas film released in 1947 is still a festive classic worth revisiting this year. From the legendary performances by nearly every actor in the...
As self-quarantines are carried out in hopes of keeping our community safe and healthy, many people are turning on their televisions and settling in for...
“The Farewell” tells a heartfelt story that illustrates the concept of love and family, the ties between happiness and tragedy, and the clashes between different...
Many know and love “The Office.” Whether it be student or adult, we all enjoy the laughs this mock-unmentary brings. Through Jim, Pam, Michael, Dwight,...