The clock ticks down, second by second as the circumstance only gets more dire until help arrives. Nonetheless, every step taken is critical for the...
The Fallout, a high-school drama film released on HBO max on Jan. 27, 2022, stars Jenna Ortega as Vada Cavell, and follows her emotional journey...
The spring season for NPHS girls’ softball swung into play at a home game against Oak Park High School on Feb. 16. Bryan Matney, the...
Russia has sent the official order to attack Ukraine to Russian troops, sending relations between Russia and Western countries to its lowest point since the...
For the first time this school year, the NPHS dance team took part in their first two competitions on Jan. 22 and Jan. 29. Both...
On Saturday, Jan. 22, the NPHS track team opened their season with a victory. The team traveled to Phoenix, Arizona for the “Sundown Series”, a...
Stepping out to the dewy grass on the morning of Jan 22., the local Orca Rugby Youth Team joined together on the field to celebrate...
When starting the semester of their final year, seniors have an important decision to make: when to say goodbye. Some students might prefer to hang...
With having to balance school work, practices and social lives, student athletes constantly have a lot on their plates. The countless sacrifices are made worth...
When I was younger, anime, an umbrella term used to describe Japanese animation, was a somewhat ubiquitous aspect of my life. I remember being encapsulated...