The Netflix documentary series, Cheer, released their second season on Jan. 12, 2022, as its success sheds light on how fame and COVID-19 affected Navarro...
Each year, high schools continue to include classical literature within the curriculum. However, many of these novels are not an inspiration to students and do...
Goal- Pictured is one of the Newbury Park team members kicking the ball towards the goal. The players shoot goals and form bonds, according to...
On Feb. 16, 2021, the latest Sarah J. Maas book for the “A Court of Thorns and Roses” series was released. Though I am late...
Over the course of the pandemic, many people’s mental health experienced patterns of lows as COVID-19 kept us locked in from the outside world. Now...
Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year. Many people argue that it is the worst holiday because it is centered around...
On Jan. 7, Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, more famously known as “The Weeknd,” just dropped his fifth studio album, titled “Dawn FM.” The new album has...
When I first started at this school, I was extremely happy that there was a gender neutral bathroom. This eased my thought of having to...
For many years, historians have been looking into the prime suspect for the betrayal of Anne Frank and her family. More than 75 years later,...
Capturing the suspenseful highs and lows of high school, the show “Euphoria” directed by Sam Levinson depicts the struggles of a drug addicted teenager, Rue,...