With an extensive budget of 75 million dollars and its suspenseful build up, the world expected “House of Gucci,” directed by Ridley Scott, to be...
Abilities Awareness Week is an all inclusive week long event that educates students what it’s like to live with disabilities, but it is undergoing significant...
School breaks are a time for students to unwind from the pressure of school and spend time with family. As much as people long for...
Investors are buying millions of dollars worth of virtual land in the metaverse, making it a hot property market. The metaverse is a virtual intersection...
Peter Jackson’s “The Beatles: Get Back,” released between Nov. 25 and Nov. 27 and named after the beloved track from The Beatles’ 1970 record “Let...
On Dec. 1, Frances Haugen, who recently exposed Facebook for misconduct, helped lawmakers as they debated proposals for social media site regulation. Haugen, a former...
Since 1990 six Home Alone films have been released, only two of which manage to earn above 30% on Rotten Tomatoes. The last three remakes...
Inclusive Schools Week is an annual event held during the first week of December each year to encourage the celebration of diversity. Factors of the...
California is a wonderful place to live, but is it worth the constantly increasing prices of housing? This is a question many residents of the...
This September, Governor Gavin Newsom signed the National Affordable Housing Legislation in Oakland, California. In direct response to the act, the Thousand Oaks City Council...